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My Family Tree 7.0 extends GEDCOM, PAF support

16 April 2017, Mike Williams

My Family TreeChronoplex Software has released My Family Tree 7.0 (32-bit here), the latest edition of its excellent freeware genealogy package.

This release adds support for importing the old FamilySearch Personal Ancestral File (PAF) records, as well as older GEDCOM files produced by the Family History System.

The program can now also handle multivolume GEDCOM files (*.G00, *.G01 etc.).

Names in lists may now be displayed surnames first, a major usability improvement. Names are more likely to be sorted correctly, and the new system is fully customisable if it still doesn’t work exactly as you need.

The Details pane for individuals now has a dedicated “Contact Address” box (less need to pile everything into “Notes”).

Surnames first

New name display and sorting rules improve usability

The Reports panel now groups related reports together in categories, and enables filtering via a search box.

Visual tweaks include full High DPI support and improvements to the high contrast themes.

There’s also official support for Windows 10 Creators Update and .NET 4.7, although you don’t have to worry if you’re running an older system– the program still runs on anything from XP up.

My Family Tree 7.0 (32-bit here) is now available for Windows XP and later.

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