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Notepad Replacer 1.2

Quickly replace Windows Notepad with your favourite editing alternative

Operating Systems:
Windows 7 (32 bit), Windows 7 (64 bit), Windows Vista, Windows XP
Binary Fortress Software
Software Cost:
System & Desktop Tools
Date Updated:
29 December 2017
Downloads To Date:
Download Size:
591.00 KB

It's no secret that Notepad is just about as feeble a text editor as you'll find anywhere. If that bothers you then you may have installed something more powerful - but that's not a complete solution. Other applications often still launch Notepad by default, whenever they want to display or allow you to edit text files, and there's nothing you can do about that.

Unless, that is, you install Notepad Replacer.

The program is just about as simple as any utility can be. Install it, you'll be asked to choose the executable that you want to replace Notepad, and - that's it. Your chosen editor should now appear instead of Notepad, just about all of the time, and you can finally get more productive with your text editing.

Don't worry, Notepad Replacer doesn't do anything dangerous, like replacing any system files or changing file permissions. And it doesn't run in the background or change system resources, either. The program just makes a few tweaks to ensure you'll be seeing a lot less of Notepad, in future. And while it worked well for us, if you find you prefer Notepad after all, then just uninstall Notepad Replacer and the editor will immediately return.


Notepad Replacer is a simple way to ensure you get more from your preferred text editor

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